Antonio José Cano Apps

The average number of words a person know can vary a lot, butaccording to dictionary experts, a native speaker knows and usesabout 20,000 words. The number could be double if also consideredthose words that we know but do not use. People with an advancedknowledge of the language and with fluently communication withnative speakers in any situation, know about 10,000 words. However,if we look, for example, a newspaper, we see that there are wordsthat are repeated often and others, however, are not as frequent.Thus 3,000 words constitute about 80% of the language that aspeaker hears or see daily. To increase the number of wordslearned, it is necessary not only to acquire new vocabulary, butalso save in memory those words learned by repetition periodically,so you do not fall into oblivion, which is what usually occur whenthe vocabulary learned one day does not refresh. This applicationcontains a dictionary of the 5000 words most used in Spanish, withits equivalent in English, as well as a systematic method oflearning. Besides, the app displays the number of the words we havereally learned, so we can be aware of our level of Spanish.Learning these 5000 words will allow us to manage fluently in bothlanguages. And you? How many words do you want to learn? TRYYOURSELF In this section random words are asked in Spanish/Englishand the number of words learned is shown. In this respect, a wordis not considered learned until be correctly answered with two daysdifference at least. If a learned word fails, this word will beconsidered not learned. SISTEMATIC This section is about amethodical learning of vocabulary. First, words in Spanish/Englishwhich are not learned from previous mistakes, are asked. Then, newwords are asked to increase our vocabulary progressively. Randomlywith these new words, other words already learned are asked (lowerpercentage), to review and fix; in a learned word, the greater theratio wrong/asked times, the more likely to be asked. Remember thata word is not considered learned until is rightly answered twotimes with al least two days of difference. If a learned wordfails, this word will be considered not learned. The screen showsfor every asked word the number of times was asked and the numberof times was incorrectly answered. The screen also shows the numberof learned words: the words you know. DICTIONARY Here you cansearch for a word in Spanish/English to show its equivalence inEnglish/Spanish. You can edit, remove and add new dictionaryentrances, and to restore the app original dictionary.
Hidden Wars 2.6
Strategy turn based game, your legions mustconquer Europe!FEATURES:- 2 players: human versus AI or human versus human viaBluetooth.- 2 teams: red and blue.- The game is auto-saved in every turn, so you can stop the gameand resume it afterwards.- High Scores.- Reference, with the game rules.- Sound on/off.
Background Runner 3.2
BACKGROUND RUNNER is a handy publicity-freefor runners.The app works completely locally, without any remote server. Thedata is absolutely confidential. No data is collected.MAIN FEATURES:- Stopwatch and distance.- Auto Pause.- Automatic start/end.- Race Results with: historical position (based on min/Km), time,distance, average time (min/Km), partial average times (min/Km forevery Km run) , calories consumed (and its equivalent in food) andwater lost.- Report by voice of min/Km for every Km during the race.- Map of Google-maps with the route superimposed.- Historical record of runs, even your historical position.- Your 20 best runs with or without your friends runs.- Your Evolution chart.- Ghost Race: run against yourself (distance and mark: min/Km).Informative voice during the run.- Test of Cooper: see your fitness through this test widelyused.- Show your best runs or records with your friends by WhatsApp,SMS...- Import friend runs by SMS.
Background Runner Free 1.3
BACKGROUND RUNNER FREE is a handy app for therunner.MAIN FEATURES:- Stopwatch and distance.- Auto Pause.- Race Results with: historical position (based on min/Km), time,distance, average time (min/Km), partial average times (min/Km forevery Km run), calories consumed (and its equivalent in food) andwater lost.- Report by voice of min/Km for every Km during the race.- Map of Google-maps with the route superimposed.- Historical record of runs, even your historical position.- Your 20 best runs with or without your friend runs.- Your Evolution chart.- Ghost Race: run against yourself (distance and mark: min/Km).Informative voice during the run.- Test of Cooper: see your fitness through this test widelyused.- Show your best runs or records with your friends by WhatsApp,SMS...- Import friend runs by SMS.- Automatic start/end.
Trivial Oca Free 2.3
Have fun and learn with family Trivial Oca Free
Kings of Spain and more 1.9
Spanish kings chronology from the Catholic Monarchs until today
Forma palabras 1.3
Form words from letters aligned in a certain time
Funny anatomy 2.5
Childs will learn human anatomy with a nice little doll
Geography of Europe 2.9
Learn geography of Europe accompanied by a nice little doll
Geografía de Asturias 1.9
Review the geography of Asturias accompanied by a cute little doll
Escape from maze 1.1
Escape from maze in your convertible beforeitis too lateFEATURES:- Progressive difficulty levels, with surprises- Possible to play against a friend via Bluetooth
Traveling by Spain 1.7
Virtual traveling around the cities of Spain, visiting the touristplaces